The market is being driven by smart devices including smartphones, which already account for more than half the market and are continuing to grow due their ability to conveniently connect IoT devices. As for every sector, the internet revolutionises everything that is susceptible to improvements or modifications. This includes demotics; the systems and techniques that can make homes automatic. They can offer energy management, security, communication, wellbeing services, and they are generally integrated using an external or internal communication network with cables or wireless. This relatively recent concept is evolving under the name "smart homes”, or intelligent connected homes. This is an important factor in the design and decoration of luxurious interiors, and is now present in high quality refurbishments.
Smart home sectors with strong short-term development potential are security systems and lighting control systems. Intelligent security products include smart door locks, smart doorbells, smart cameras, smart sensors, human sensors, door and window sensors, gas leak sensors, water immersion sensors, etc. A big difference between smart security and traditional security lies in reducing dependence on people.
Intelligent lighting control systems include smart light bulbs, light strips and smart curtains, and can achieve dynamic and desirable lighting effects through intelligent curtains and outdoor light linkage. Also, by using advanced electromagnetic voltage regulation and electronic induction technology to monitor and track power supply in real time, such systems can reduce power consumption.
Smart home appliances
In manufacturing, the main smart home appliances include smart washing machines, smart TVs, smart air conditioners and smart water heaters, etc. Kitchens are another home niche where AI-empowered products and services are being integrated. Network communication providers meanwhile are focusing on the construction of improved cloud networks, and launching smart home solutions to efficiently connect home appliances.
It has a special interest in Smart Home technology to achieve the perfect temperature independently in each living space. This is intimately intwined with the function of the blinds, using the simple control system that can be manually modified from an App interface or remotely from a smart phone.
This means that blinds operate automatically and independently, as a group or individually. This type of intelligent shade function allows the blinds in Smart Homes to carry out the most appropriate movements at all times throughout the day, in any different circumstances that could come about. For example, in the morning the blinds will come up at the same time as the alarm goes off. If there is a storm, for security reasons, they will immediately come down, whilst as the evening draws in they will also close to maintain the intimacy of the home.